26 June 2014


John 9:3-5

(3) Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. (4) I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. (5) As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

- - -

When we hit 'rock bottom' we may think that we are being punished for our sins.
Why would God make us suffer like this?
What did I do wrong?

God didn't clear your bank account.
God didn't cause the cancer.
God didn't spread those rumors about you.
God didn't destroy your house with fire.

If we were being punished for our sins, we would not be here right now.
God continues to bless us, despite our sinful behaviors.
We need to look at our struggles in life as an opportunity for God's work to be revealed in us!
Don't let debt, illness, lies, or loss destroy you.
Let debt, illness, lies, and loss help you strengthen your relationship with God.

- - -

Like Jesus, we need to spend our days doing our Father's work.
In this particular case, Jesus brought sight to a blind man.
Jesus used someone's struggle to reveal God's great work!

Me... I am not going to walk down the street and rub spit in my neighbor's eyes.
That would be considered rude and quite frankly... WEIRD.
I can, however, use my talents to help my neighbor in a different way.
Maybe bake some cookies just for him?
It is day and I must do the works of Him who sent me.

While in Mexico, I kept reminding myself that 'this is the time.'
God sent me for one month to do His work.
This reminder helped me to fill my days with love and compassion.
A month goes by very quickly and you don't want to regret anything.

Since my return to Canada, I have been reflecting a lot on the work that I did.
From 7am to 7pm I was running around with the kids.
This is a majority of day time hours, right?
But did I actually do the work that God called me to do?
That's hard to say.
What exactly was I called to do?
Did I love like Jesus?

Now that I am home, there is even more to think about.
How can I spend all day serving the Lord when things are back to 'normal.'
I'm no longer in a children's shelter where help is constantly needed.
I'm at home where I can sit by myself for hours if I so desire.
I must work the works of Him who sent me.
Whether it is showing kindness to my family, visiting my neighbor, or baking cookies...
I can take these opportunities to serve!

- - -

19 June 2014


With these words I prepare to leave the children's shelter:
"Sing to the Lord a new song for He has done marvelous things!"
~ Psalm 98:1

Last night, as I finished packing my bags, I noticed a new decoration in the room.
The house mother had purchased a decorative plate that had Psalm 98:1 on it.
What a great reminder!
As I make my journey home, I know that God has done marvelous things!
I can move forward with a grateful and happy heart, singing a new song for Him.

After a long night, struggling with a cold...
I woke up with complete energy and enthusiasm.
At 6:30 a.m. I made my way downstairs to have breakfast with the kids.
A majority of the children were preparing for school and I had to say my goodbyes.
It is sad to think that this journey has come to an end but...
God has done marvelous things!

It is my hope that I have done God's work here!
I know that I have learned a lot and am thankful for the experience.
Hopefully I was able to fulfill a need that was present in His timing.

Thanks for reading!
I will post some pictures once I get home.

14 June 2014


Over the past few weeks I have certainly had my share of struggles.
Things have not been easy to say the least.
On the other hand, things have not been bad either...

I have made so many precious memories!
At night, in the quiet, I look back on the day and think of all the fun things I have done.
From swimming with the little ones to roasting marshmallows at the camp fire...
I can't thank the Lord enough for this opportunity.
It has been and continues to be an amazing adventure.

These children are worth so much.
They deserve my time and energy.
The struggles only make the precious moments that much more special!

Today in particular I was able to do a few exciting things.
I went to see an IMAX movie and was treated to a buffet dinner.
How special is that ?!?!

It was nice to get away from the shelter for a short while.
When I got back I was welcomed with many hugs!
It was the perfect day here in Mexico.

I will always carry with me the memories of these precious children.
They are always filled with joy and excitement.
... or tears and screams...!
The time that I have with them is so very dear to me!

11 June 2014


What do I wish for?

As my time in Mexico progresses, there are many things that I wish I had.

I wish there were more volunteers to interact with.
I wish there was more time to explore the wonderful city.
I wish I could share these memories with someone else.
I wish I could join my family in their fun adventures back at home.

I wish... I wish... I wish...

These desires can easily bring people down.
I have this amazing opportunity and I still want more...?
I have to believe that I am here for a reason.
After praying for God's timing, I am here NOW.
It is NOW that I must do His work.

If I waited for more volunteers, my help would not be as necessary.
If I had more time to explore, I would not be here in complete service.
If I had someone else with me, I would not be learning to fully rely on God.
If I was at home, I would still be praying for an opportunity to serve.

ETC... ETC... ETC...

This trip to Mexico is much different than my last.
I must stop comparing it to previous experiences.
God is doing great work.
I need to accept His embrace and love each moment that He gives me.

No more 'wishing' for me.
God has given me a great opportunity.
I will be thankful!

Thank You... Thank You... Thank You...

4 June 2014


On May 23rd, I returned to Mexico.

I had been praying that God would lead me where He wanted me to be.
With no summer plans, I decided to go back to Mexico.
One week later, I was on a plane bound South.

This time around, I am on my own.
I don't have a friend by my side to act as a crutch.
In a way, this may be the entire purpose of the trip.
Relying on others has sadly become my comfort area.
On my own, I am required to serve with what I have to offer.
Learning to rely only on God!

I will be staying at the children's shelter for four weeks.
During this time I hope to give as much of myself as possible.
There is very limited staff and, if I can help, I will!

While I want God to use me for good, I also pray that He will teach me.
It is my desire that through this experience, I will draw closer to Him.
In the midst of all the chaos surrounding 16 children and teens...
May I truly seek the calm and quiet of the Lord.

God has already done many great things.
From annoying bugs to screaming teens...
From precious moments with children to periods of silent reflection...
My heavenly Father has blessed me so that I might bless others.

Who else can just 'go to Mexico' for a month on a students budget?

God is great!