15 August 2014


The most exciting thing happened the other day.
Okay, it wasn't quite THE most exciting thing but, it was pretty awesome!

Let`s start at the beginning...

My grandma enjoys learning about new programs on the computer.
While at her house last week, I was helping to fix her e-mail account.
Afterward, I decided to show her the amazing thing called Google Maps!
She was amazed that she could see her childhood home and other various features.

Before finishing, I wanted to show her where I had traveled in the last couple of years.
I began with Mexico.

This is where the excitement begins...

I zoomed into the general area I was looking at. (Lake Chapala, Mexico)
With perfect precision, I placed the little yellow person on a street I know fairly well.
Quickly the screen zoomed to street view.
As the image cleared, I was amazed!

It was me.
I am on Google Maps!

Can you believe it?
I remember this day so vividly.
My friend and I had spent the day exploring the Lake Chapala area.
We had so much fun walking through the little Mexican streets.
That was the first day we wore our new backpacks too!
I can't believe it.

February 2013

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