24 July 2013


Recently I was accepted into college. This came as a great surprise as I was on, what seemed to be, a very long waitlist. Quickly, I realised that I have a lot of preparation to do in a very short amount of time. While I am looking forward to this new adventure, I am reminded that I must manage my time well. Between family, school, and work... I need to remember the one who made this all possible. I must remember to keep God as my number one priority during this busy season of life.

I was accepted into Recreation Therapy! In this program, we will learn how to plan, organise, and direct leisure activities that will enhance the lives of those involved. As a recreation therapist, I will be able to work in a variety of institutions, helping individuals develop much needed skills. Hopefully I can provide people with a program where they can "get away" from their struggles while still working on those essential skills. *This could even prove helpful in my mission work!!!

This is a word that I struggle with a lot.
Yes, I am very glad that I was "accepted" but there's much more to this word.
For reasons I can't explain, I struggle to accept myself.
This has always been my perspective. I'm not good, I'm not deserving...
For the longest time, I worked hard to achieve university grades.
I thought, if I could get acceptance from university, I could finally accept myself.

Change of plans...
Instead of university, I have travelled and will be attending college.
God has taken me on an adventure,
showing me how to accept myself without "HUGE" accomplishments.

Anyways, I will be starting in September.
It's going to be a great experience!

I can't believe that a years ago, I was wondering about "Expedition."
Who is on the team? Where are we travelling to? What will residence be like?
It has been a crazy year.

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