12 October 2012


10 HOURS...
The "Expedition" team left Dunham, Quebec very early this morning.
It only took us 10 HOURS to get back to the school. (5:10 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.)
Not long after our arrival, I jumped in the car for the final stretch home!
I get to spend 2 days at home before going back to school for our next trip.

What have we been up to?

Ottawa, Ontario
Here, we were introduced to a christian program at the University of Ottawa.
While our stay in Ottawa was short, we got to experience a lot!

We got to explore the campus through various activities.
After dinner, we had a small bible study before calling it a night.
The next day, we participated in a tour of parliament!


Later, we had the chance to apply what we had learned in the bible study.
In John 4, Jesus talks to a Samaritan women about the "living water".
While many students were not christain, we asked about "thirsts" in their life.
This proved to be a very challenging task for me.

Before we left Ottawa, we walked around the campus praying for the school.
By 10:00 p.m. we were in Montreal!

Montreal, Quebec
Here, we stayed with a lovely couple who work together as marriage counsellors.
For their ministry, they provide a week-long retreat for couples.
Throughout the week, they challenge the couples to learn and grow as one.
The goal is to teach the couples how to care for each other's hearts!

During our stay, the "Expedition" team worked at preparing the house for ministry.
The home was divided into 4 separate living spaces.
This allows for privacy between the couples who are on this "retreat".
In order to make room for the couples, jobs were quickly assigned.
Personally, I was in charge of painting the exterior railings which I enjoyed greatly!

Our contribution to this project was greatly appreciated by the host couple.
They were so kind as to help with meals, to teach, and to allot time for exploration!
We got to spend an afternoon discovering Montreal!
The squirrels were very friendly, gently taking nuts from our hands!

Dunham, Quebec
Keeping with the same type of ministry, our team moved to help another couple.
Here, we worked a lot harder as there was more to be done.
This newly built home required much care before opening for marriage retreats.
The host family was amazing. They were so kind and generous!
We were spoiled with great meals and snacks through out the day.

The past 10 days have been amazing.
The "Expedition" team was able to help indirectly with various ministries.
Exploring each new task, we took this as a learning experience.
We all walked away with a new understanding of what it means to "serve others".
This has been a great opportunity, thank you for reading a long!

1 comment:

  1. Your having lots of fun!
    I miss you my dear!
    Come home so I can see you!
